
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

ANZAC Day Diamante Poem

ANZAC Day Words Of War By Poppy

This week we have been learning about ANZAC Day. We have little ANZAC booklets that have tasks for us to do. There was one called Words of War. Part of the task involved us looking for a poem about the ANZAC soldiers. The Poem that I chose was one called the Red Poppy and it went like this: 

The Red Poppy is a symbol
To simply show we care
For all our fallen heroes 
A loss we all equally share

The Red Poppy is a symbol
For to many we have lost
In every conflict of war
Their valour was at cost

The Red Poppy is a symbol
Wear it with pride for them
As each and every year goes by
We shall remember them. 

It was a very moving and emotional poem that I really liked. My Favorite part of the poem was the end where is says 'We shall remember them'. The reason I used this poem was because it was very easy to work with the questions. I can't wait to celebrate ANZAC Day next year even though it is a sad time. 

Image result for poppy flowers  


  1. Hi Poppy! I really enjoyed your post and I really liked how you've included the poem you chose and the booklet we're using. I would've liked to see some of your questions you had to answer and what your answers were, but overall really good post Poppy!

    1. Hi Tiana!
      Thank You for your advice I will definitly take that into account when I do something like that again. Thanks for your advice!

  2. Hey Poppy,
    this post was amazing and the poem you have featured is actually really moving and emotional.
    Great Post!
